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Wednesday 19 June 2019

2019 Project365 // Days 162-168

JUNE 11th

JUNE 12th

JUNE 13th

JUNE 14th

JUNE 15th

JUNE 16th

JUNE 17th


  1. Aww Lux is utterly obsessed with dinosaurs- she would just loove that museum! :)
    The photo of the tiny spider gave me the heebie jeebies hahah

    1. I thought of her while I was editing the photos! It's actually a pretty famous Dino who was found in Wyoming in 1899, he's lived in London since 1905 and is currently doing a tour of the UK! Hes called Dippy 😂
      Ha! I know, taking and editing the photo made me feel all bleurgh! Haha


  2. Ah, you went and saw Dippy! We're planning to take Alexander (dinosaur mad!!) when he comes to Cardiff - being from London, the Natural History Museum was a go to free day out every summer holidays, so I have fond memories and am so looking forward to taking Alexander.

    Lovely photos from your week. All the nature & wildlife captures from June 14th are stunning!

    I hope you're well & having a good week.

    1. Yes! I had to go! Josh has never seen him but I think I've seen him twice in London. I bet Alexander will loovvee it!!!

      Thank you so much. We've had a crazy time lately so trying to do 30 Days Wild with everything going on has been a little more of a struggle than usual.

      Sending you love!
