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Sunday 27 November 2022

2022 Project 365 // Days 322 - 328


19th November 2022
Considering how common a visitor they've been at past residences of mine, Starlings are a little rarer where
we currently live apart from a month or two earlier in the year when they nest in the neighbours roof.
This pair stopped by today though.

20th November 2022
The gang at CP today were pretty playful!
Simba, Mocha, Pumpkin and Tina, who was very cuddly indeed (rather than playful) and broke
my heart when I had to leave as she jumped into my arms and nuzzled into my neck.

21st November 2022
The first proper frost of the year!

22nd November 2022
Annoyingly pretty much the only usable  photo I got today.

23rd November 2022
While washing the dishes I spotted a different bird in the trees out the back. 
I ran to grab my camera and snapped two shots before it flew away and when I zoomed in I saw it
was a Long Tailed Tit! Another 'new-to-me' for my Big Year!

24th November 2022
I found too much humor in Aurora peeping out of the curtains!

25th November 2022
Sunrise or Sunset? Taken at 10.01am!!

Sunday 20 November 2022

2022 Project 365 // Days 315 - 321


12th November 2022
A Wren! I don't know if I've caught one on camera at all this year but this little darling posed
for me while I was washing up and waited until I ran to grab my camera.
I love seeing the tiny birds enjoying the new trellised off area out the front kitchen window too.

13th November 2022
Another wonderful day at Cats Protection including head bumps and lots of licks from Smudge & Tux, playtime with 15-year-old Uncle Albert, trying to spot the difference with Truffles & Delilah, hugs with Fingers & Thumbs, and a good desensitizing session with tiny kittens Pine & Hazel and Oak & Sycamore.

14th November 2022
There was a Woodpecker in the trees outside our house!!! 
There was also a poor little ladybug who had found itself in the bird bath.
Luckily it was still okay when I got it out and it sat on my hand drying off, warming up and cleaning itself for about 20 minutes.

15th November 2022
Photographing our full signed book collection for a blog post.

16th November 2022
Took Baker to Norham for a quick walk and visit to Great Nana and Granda's grave when up in Berwick for a doctor's appointment.

17th November 2022
My latest medal arrived a day or two ago!
145 miles over 70 days.
It took me a lot longer than expected because I was completely out of commission for about 3/4 weeks after my vaccine.

18th November 2022
Repurposing some throws into cozy sleeping bags for the piggies!

Sunday 13 November 2022

2022 Project 365 // Days 308 - 314

5th November 2022
Our nasturtiums are still thriving and I hope that next year they continue to take over the fence!
This tiny little snail was having an adventure on the kitchen window this morning too.

6th November 2022
Tired boy relaxing in his Pumpkin after he saw me with it while tidying and had to have it on.
Not known an animal like it for wanting jumpers/coats etc on.

7th November 2022
The sun setting at the back of 4 is not my favorite.

8th November 2022
The Beaver Moon!

9th November 2022
A very Autumnal monthly visit to Beamish.

10th November 2022
When pigeons feel safe and comfortable they lay on their wings because they aren't expecting to have to make a quick getaway. 
I love that they feel safe and comfortable enough in my garden to sunbathe and relax.
Theres always a cheeky, greedy one too that has to eat from the little bird's food as if I don't give them enough each morning!

11th November 2022
There was a weather warning for winds today.
Not that you can see on photos but the trees were being thrown about, the clouds were flying past and the birds were surfing in the air.