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Wednesday 4 September 2024

2024 Daily Photos // Days 239 - 245


26th August 2024
My boy turned 12!
See loads more of his birthday here > Underland to Wonderland: Baker Turns 12.

27th August 2024
It's been years since Baker did some good exploring! Thank goodness for private hire woodland!
Read all about it and see more photos at > Underland to Wonderland: Exploring Woofing Woods, Leeds, with Baker

28th August 2024
Candy floss skies and Goldfinch fly overs.

29th August 2024
The second jigsaw on the month, done and dusted!
We had some surprise vistors out back too... (Chiffchaff and Long Tailed Tit).

30th August 2024
The Pansys had died off, but it seems they self seeded and have produced tiny miny versions?!
Obsessed with the Sparrow family who are stopping by daily just now too. 

31st August 2024
The Long Tailed Tits came over to the fence! 
What an exciting moment - though one of them seems to have an issue with it's left eye.
I hope it'll be okay. There's been an influx in Great Tits recently too. We're so lucky.
Oh and I can't forget the Ladybug. There hasn't been many sightings of those at all this year.

1st September 2024
More of the Sparrows...haha.

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