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Wednesday 30 August 2023

2023 Daily Photos // Days 232 - 238

20th August 2023
The last visit to Jackie's beach at the very end of the Ringed Plover
breeding season in a last attempt to spot the fledged chick.
No Ringed Plover in sight, but we did spot a juvenile Pied Wagtail, Curlew, Terns, Herring Gull and a meeting of Cormorants as well as rock pools full of life!
It seems like for years the rock pools have been empty, but today there were tiny fish and bright Beadlet anemone!
Read more about the breeding project here > Underland to Wonderland: Nesting Ringed Plover Project 2023

21st August 2023
Aurora is practically camouflaged with the sofa!

22nd August 2023
As if I don't feed them enough, some pigeons also eat from the hanging feeders. 
Usually, it's a fight over it and one wins, but this pair have been sharing regularly!
They both take turns and share ever so nicely...not that this photo looks like it,
but I promise you they are so sweet with each other.

23rd August 2023
The caterpillars from the Nasturtiums migrated in a parade across the garden and climbed the house today.
It was so strange to watch but very cool. 

24th August 2023
Yesterday I went to get my Argo memorial tattoo coloured but totally forgot to get any photos.
So here it is in its crusty glory.

25th August 2023
Sorting through the case (yet again) in preparation for our Honeymoon and Eos has decided she's coming!

26th August 2023
Baker is 11!!!
I say it every year but I cannot believe he's already been with me for (almost) eleven years.
He's aged a lot this past year and he's slowing down but I hope we've many, many more
years left with him in our lives.

Wednesday 23 August 2023

2023 Daily Photos // Days 225 - 231


13th August 2023
3 young Magpies and 4 young Jackdaws all banded together and dropped by for an afternoon snack!
(The second image is a still taken from video, hence the quality).

14th August 2023
Bubbly bath.

15th August 2023
There were tiny little, what we assumed were, eggs all over some of the Nasturtium leaves
and today I finally spotted our annual caterpillar conference in full swing!
We have a few Garden Spiders who have set up home in various places in the garden too. 
It feels like we saw them a lot earlier in the year last year but it's always nice to see them.
Watching them spin their webs is so amazing too.

16th August 2023
Having written another post about pet loss and my journey with grieving the loss of Argo,
I wanted to take a few more photos to include.
I never need an excuse to open up his memory box and look through his things though.

17th August 2023
The Elderberries are ripening and the birds are loving it!

18th August 2023
The ever-growing Nasturtiums can be seen from the outside of our back gate now and it looks so lovely!

19th August 2023
50 days until Our Honeymoon?!

Wednesday 16 August 2023

2023 Daily Photos // Days 218 - 224


6th August 2023
The rain held off long enough to give us the opportunity to cut the grass today and I got to appreciate the Hydrangea.
I usually photograph it for this Project 365 every year when it begins to bloom, but this is the first time it's featured this year!

7th August 2023
Ordered myself some goodies after my Autism assessment and these arrived today! 
I love artists and shopping small!

8th August 2023
Happy International Cat Day!
Look at the most perfect, beautiful, lovely little babies on the whole planet. 
I absolutely adore my girls; Eos and Aurora.

9th August 2023
The Nasturtiums are taking over!

10th August 2023
I've tried not to over-include pigeon photos recently but they were being the absolute cutest today so I had to!
Soaking in the bird baths, a pair grooming each other and the same little girl that can
often be found in the same place, took a nap in the gutter outside our reptile room window.

11th August 2023
Windy with blue skies - the perfect washing-on-the-line weather! 

12th August 2023
Taking time out to do some crafting for cats!

Wednesday 9 August 2023

2023 Daily Photos // Days 211 - 217


30th July 2023
Rain, rain here to stay? 
I love rain.
Water is life and it was only last year that intense heat and a lack of rain caused terrible things.
Then again, too much and there are floods.
Everything has to work in a balance but because of us humans, the scales are off.

31st July 2023
An unintended second photo in a row of this same view, but I had to take some photos
of this beautiful Blackbird while he had a wash!

1st August 2023
Another print for our Bat Wall has come today. How sweet is this little package?
I love shopping small. 
I also ordered a pin to go on our memory pin banner to commemorate finally getting my Autism diagnosis after a lifetime of struggling and not knowing what was wrong with me.
I'll talk more about it on Underland to Wonderland in the future.

2nd August 2023
With the car in the garage for it's MOT I have a 3-mile round trip to drop it off/pick it up.
On the way home this guy was right in the middle of a busy path and I didn't want a bike to squish them.
So they hitched a ride on my hand until we reached a safer place.

3rd August 2023
3 in one post! My back fence is popular!
I love photographing Robins in the height of summer though because people tend to think they only exist in winter...

4th August 2023
Finally getting around to taking photos for my quarterly reading wrap-up!
This is what I read over April, May and June.

5th August 2023
Oaktree progress!
(Check it out on the 5th of July here)

Wednesday 2 August 2023

2023 Daily Photos // Days 204 - 210


23rd July 2023
Awake late enough to see the sunset!

24th July 2023
Hanging the washing out and someone came to hang out with me!

25th July 2023
This is an abandoned 'insane asylum'. 
It's actually rather symbolic of this day in a way.

26th July 2023
The only photo I took today is not the best quality but it is of a rather cute young Sparrow.

27th July 2023
We wanted to get a Polaroid camera to take on our Honeymoon, however, after a lot of research,
we found the Polaroid Lab and decided to give it a go.
We tested it today and it's the perfect way to get the photos we want without having
to carry two (I'll have my DSLR) bulky cameras around!

28th July 2023
The next Craft for Cats kit has arrived!

29th July 2023
The Bat wall is starting to take shape.