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Wednesday 1 May 2024

2024 Daily Photos // Days 113 - 119


22nd April 2024
Earth Day! See more here > Earth Day 2024

23rd April 2024
Back for some more inking and it was Jax's 5th Birthday too! 

24th April 2024
A Blackcap last week and Waxwings today?! Insane!
Filled out our postal votes today too.
And then our injured Starling entered the picture...

25th April 2024
Really enjoyed doing these tiny 216-piece jigsaws over the past couple of days!
After failing to capture the injured Starling yesterday and not wanting to cause it any extra stress or anything we decided to just keep an eye out.
It returned today, a great sign that it made it through the night, and it hung out in the Elder snacking on the food there most of the day. 
Today I also repotted my oak sapling, a hebe and potted some Pansys while the Dunnocks and Sparrows came to visit.

26th April 2024
Just appreciating the Spring blooms in our front garden before they disappear.
Starling friend was here for the 3rd day running and seemed much more energetic.
They still need a name...

27th April 2024
The first grass cut of the year has made the wild patch look even better!
It was day four of our Starling's return too, though a certain someone wanted in on the photoshoot too.
We also have a beautiful pair of Wood Pigeons visiting daily who are nesting in a tree out back <3

28th April 2024
I guess I got a little obsessed... 
Starling was back again on day 5 and despite the huge bald patch, the injured area is looking
much better and they seem much brighter in themselves. I hope they are going to do well.


  1. Love the new tattoo! Is it The Secret Garden inspired? All of your pigeon and starling photos are gorgeous, too. We had so many starlings scavenging for bugs in the garden yesterday- probably about thirty or so- and they were in a chatty mood, so the noise was insane. I had to look out the window to see what was going on.

    1. Thank you!! It is indeed haha.
      Oh the Starlings can be super loud!! But when they sing they sound magical! We have one round by us who mimics the sirens...which isn't as fun ha.
