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Sunday 28 November 2021

2021 Project 365 // Days 323 - 329


19th November 2021
Tonight's full moon, the Beaver Moon, was so large and bright
and I'd had no idea that this morning it had been a partial lunar eclipse from 7.18am for around 6 hours!
Apparently the longest lunar eclipse in 580 years. I always miss everything 😂

20th November 2021
Spent the most wonderful time with Holly, Mittens, Diana and Clarence today.
It's a shame my phone camera is so awful because it doesn't show how beautiful each one of these guys truly is.
I got so many hugs and kisses from all four of these loves which I had to bring up with our girls when I got home!
I wish I was in a position to add another member to our family because little Miss Holly
has completely stolen my heart, even more so than all of the others already have too.

21st November 2021
Getting close to a full year of weekly bath bombs!
As much as I've enjoyed the routine and fun baths, I'm looking forward to it being over.

22nd November 2021
All but one of my book treats arrived today.
Book retail therapy is real and I'm lucky to have a husband who facilitates it!

23rd November 2021
It already feels a novelty to see a bright blue sky. I'm struggling with these dark mornings, bleak afternoons and grim nights.
There are minimal leaves on the trees, fewer birds singing and fewer evening wildlife visitors. Winter sucks.

24th November 2021
Took Baker for a walk down to the river today.
Tried and failed to get our monthly portrait but did take this and got a 5-mile walk in so that was good.

25th November 2021
Can't believe this little guy sat still long enough for me to manually focus and actually get a shot.
 Absolute beauty and I'm loving how much the little birds are still enjoying this bush,
even coming into winter.

Sunday 21 November 2021

2021 Project 365 // Days 316 - 322


12th November 2021
All I've seen is negativity about Disney+ Day, and I don't get what people were expecting.
It's literally only the anniversary of an online streaming platform, you weren't entitled to anything, so enjoy what you got.
We were very happy to watch all the shorts and finally get to see Shang Chi!
(We watched Jungle Cruise the next day which we were chuffed to see too).

Today I also submitted my final assessment for my course!

13th November 2021
'22 calendars arrived yesterday.
It's always a shame not to be selling my wildlife calendars anymore,
but I still make one for us and my parents each year.

14th November 2021
I wouldn't choose orange as a particular top scent of mine, but this smelt very good!

15th November 2021
Happy Steve Irwin Day from Hades and the rest of the Hallows 🐍
He may be known by many for his crazy crocodile antics, but the work he and his family have done for conservation cannot be overlooked.
Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors protect animals not only in Australia but around the world.
Read more about Steve and his legacy at SteveIrwinDay.org

16th November 2021

17th November 2021
We don't need to go to the woods to find fungi, they're growing in our garden.
I'm a bird identifier not a mushroom expert so no idea on species despite looking for ages online...

18th November 2021
This walk used to be a literal minute from my doorstep.
The birds that live here have given me so much comfort and company over the years,
so I made sure to visit before my doctor's appointment today in attempts to calm my anxiety.
Attempts being the prominent word.
I missed seeing the mallards and swans though, typical they wouldn't be around when I'm here.

Sunday 14 November 2021

2021 Project 365 // Days 309 - 315


5th November 2021
2 years since we lost one of the most wonderful women the world has ever seen.
5 days after I got married she let go, after having asked for months if I was married yet, so I take that as she was waiting to know I was settled.
I'm not one to post things like this because I prefer to keep the serious stuff away from social media,
but the Queen of Prior deserves to be known and remembered by everyone. 🖤

6th November 2021
Buh bye leaves. It's always so sad to step outside and find more leaves on the floor each day.
The colours changing is pretty but nothing is better than when my friends,
the trees, wake up again in Spring.

7th November 2021
The last of the Halloween bath bombs!
(The 2nd one came free with our order and as the first one didn't have too much colour, we decided to use both.
He will be repurposed and not binned don't worry!)

8th November 2021
Another pretty sky.

9th November 2021
My happy place 🖤 (until other people arrived 🙄.)
So lucky to spot so many beautiful water birds!

10th November 2021
Golden hour in the Freeman car park.

11th November 2021
At the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month - we will remember them.
For all the animals; horses, donkeys, mules, camels, dogs, cats, canaries, pigeons and more who lost their lives through no choice of their own.
And for all of the people of all genders, ages, races, religions who were affected.
I hope we will learn eventually and peace will come.