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Sunday 1 March 2020

Back Through the Lens - Week 9

Welcome back to my new series 'Back Through the Lens'. Click here to see week 1 and read all about what is going on.
The short explanation is that 2020 is my 8th year of documenting my life through photos and so I'm looking back at this exact week over the past 7 years to compare them! This is week 9.

2013 - 1st March
This is Dusty. Dusty was my rescue hamster who a council worker found dumped in a dog poo bin. 
She'd been put in a bag, dumped in the bin and she chewed her way out - sat waiting in the bottom to be found and then become a star in the local newspaper.
If you ever consider getting a pet do not get any animal for a child get them a teddy, think of how long they live and how much they cost and if you 
cannot commit to that don't get one, and if by some awful circumstance you can no longer keep a pet...take it somewhere it will be looked after/rehomed!!!!! 
DO NOT dump them, mistreat them, kill them, sell them, rehome them online, release them to the wild. Thank you for coming to my tedtalk.

2014 - Week 9 March
A view of Newcastle from the top of St James Stadium while we had a private tour.

2015 - 27th February
Despite the grainy quality due to high ISO/low light, I have always been so happy with this photo.
A chimp was using the back of her finger to stroke the head of her friends new baby and if that isn't enough proof that we need to do 
everything we can to protect animals, I don't know what is.

2016 - 2nd March
The plants are waking up!

2017 - 2nd March
It's a rare moment that Baker gets to play at the beach in recent years as his anxiety has only gotten worse and not all dog owners are understanding. 
However, when he does get the peace to play he loves it!

2018 - 3rd March
You have no idea how excited I was to not only photograph, but just get to see in general, this Fieldfare! 
We had pretty bad snow and my garden was a wonderland of bird food, water, material for bedding and shelter and apparently it was appreciated as we 
welcomed so many beautiful birds. Just look at this guy!

2019 - 3rd March
Wildlife and animals will always be a running theme in my life. 
When we lived in Gateshead we had Saltwell Park pretty close where we were able to spend time with the birds and squirrels.

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